Tuesday, September 16, 2008

for my best friend

I have watched a pattern of yours. From time to time, You turn your love for people to hate for people. For you to give for your people, you have create misery from giving! That should not be happening

Why so much drama? Life should be eventful but drama free.

I wish you to realize the impermanence. Peace should be in your heart whether you're giving your people or to yourself. Do things that are right. Forget your trouble and laugh now aloud. I got through my misery last weekend. But my cry did not do me any good. It was my laugh that got me out of it.

You're keeping a distance as I will see far away from you. You might come back and you might not come back. But if you haven't notice, i have remain where I am all these years. Remaining there for the other person is when I think love is proven.
I want to give you hugs and my love as always.

Laugh, all of your troubles will flows away like bubbles.
My monk at the temple taught me. he sings beautifully

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