Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hauting thoughts

I have been in love with you for such a long time and for all this time I have battled it keeping at bay so that we would exist seemlessly in each others lives. We both know where we are in regards to our lives outside each other. In a commited relationship that would be threatened if the other parties knows how deep my affection for you has grown. Sometimes I wonder if it is lust associated with love or pure love. I am a rational minded person and have thought through all that is and all that could be. Do I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I would open mindedly say yes at this very minute or any other time the question is asked. O god I have a scatter brain right now. I know I want you and it scars me that I am about to get run over by a train. You know, the old locomotive train filled with concrete slabs enought to fill the Empire State Building 10 times over. You are my best friend according to my logic, but sharing this with you has hunted me for as long as I have known you.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

DangeroUS thoughts.

I saw the posting below and so many things ran through my head. A lot of clean thoughts and a few dirty one. It has been awhile since I had thoughts like that. Now I sit with my Macbook on my lap thinking of how tomorrow will run. I need to be up mad early just to get to Apple Soho at 5:30pm. Well, I am sure I can make it. Still didn't get paid for the Natalie Portman window I did and it is not making me happy. Tomorrow I feel is going to be a very good day, 'cause there are so much to do and and a few interesting people to meet. So I am hoping it will turn out to be a very delicious day. I took my camera out the other day and shoot on the street. Now this is something I have not done in awhile and I do miss that, so I am hoping that it will be the beginning of my return to shooting things and people on the street of NYC again.


FOr some time i thought I was alone on this thing. Well i'm glad to see some response. hahaha
Another respond I have here for Edison Chen's Sex photo scandal. Dear Edison is the fly pretty boy that I would also drool over ruined by his little habbit of taking intimate picture with his pretty girls gang in Hong Kong celebrity scene had created some stir over the press.
I got this from another blog. just thought i have to post it in relevance of his problem.
But how come his career is ruined and haven't you learn your lesson from pamela and our dear paris?

Saturday, February 23, 2008


My external hard drive dies in the middle of a very important project and I am tried everything I know to get it to mount on my computer. I guess I am taking it to work to get that looked at. It snowed a lot and I wanted to stay out with my camera but I ran out of film for I went to work instead. Damn it. Snowboarding sounds like a lot of fun but I didn't get paid for a job I did so I am not going to have enough money left over after taking car of a lot of things. Well, the day is about to start and I am looking forward to what is going to happen. I have a couch to build so heading to the drawing board to fine tune the details.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


So after staying away from writing on this for some time I thought about it today and decided to write something. A lot has happened since I last posted. I am now working for Apple Inc at the West 14 Store. I gained a treasure and lost a treasure I have come to cherish. I got a an internal hard drive for my Power Mac G5. I have been taking a break from shooting cause I want to get back to shooting street art. I have an seen my co-worker perform at Fuerzabruta, it is a dope show. O yeah and there was this time my best friend stepped on this can box I was going to use for a for paperwork. She was jumping around.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Maybe letting him fly should be the way for me to love him.
We all make sacrifices. But I should not wish him to sacrifice for me only because i'm willing to.
The iphone, I think i'm a late adaptor. I am unwilling to adapt to new things because I feel it is the way of yuppies, I do respect everything I acquire, but does not mean I can help myself loosing it.
That's how I lost my phone, that's how I now own the new Iphone. Thats how my lesson was learnt.
Maybe He deserves to go to Philly. Maybe relationship is not how it was promised. Nothing should ever be how it was said. Things changes, situations change. Maybe i'm holding on to it because i'm afraid it will change him.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love strikes

Beautiful sunshine strikes everyone with the love from Earth today.
heart heart heart heart heart!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

a bad day only gets worse

first. a girl claim that i'm cheating with his bf. Yea right, we've never even flirt, would there be anything romantic going on????
Second. Somebody is saying some things that pisses me off. We're fighters and never should quit!
third. did not get along and felt they were racist
forth, ran into ex bf, without greeting. he left and make out with his new gf. which really did not have any effect on me. but I still feel hated, which was the most stupid thing ever!!
fifth, stupid bouncer was stupid and really pissed me off that they did not let me frd in

A lot of bullshit and really no room for anyone of it.