Thursday, September 25, 2008


I choose not to write cause I have a very bitter taste in my mouth. I dont know how to get rid of it or if I want to get rid of it. I believe in communicating what distresses me just to get it off my chest but when the person I am communicating to does not hold my distress in high regards then it leaves me empty. Empty cause I would not do the same thing. I have always believed that you do unto other as you want them to do to you so ..... Ahh this is bullshit. It doesn't matter what I say. I have loved you since I met you and now I am fighting to keep that love alive in me. I dont want you to be my girlfriend or anything that close anymore but now I have to figure out where you sit in my life. I have relied on you more than anyone outside my family and now I am at a crossroad where I dont really know how to approach you. I can't share the deepest things in my life with you anymore but I dont want to not talk with you cause its not a kool or rational. There is a battle waging inside me and it is eating parts of my sanity. I know I will always love you but I have to figure out what to do with such a powerful emotion.

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